Gurren Lagan is a 2007, mecha series created by a favorite of mine. Gainax, though the company has gone down in quality with stuff they've made reccently, except for the Evangelion Rebulid movies and maybe even Stella Girl's Academy that I have yet to watch. Gurren Lagan in my opinion is defintely one of their best.
The story follows a young boy, a digger living underground. Along with Kamin, he's awesome sort of big brother. One day Simon finds a minature type drill, that glows.
Kamina tells our young hero that he's drill is the one that will piecre the heavens! but that's not all our two characters find underground, a big skull type creature. that is known as a Beastman, that our characters will keep fighting for the right and peace of living on the surface through out almost the rest of the series. However, another character is fighting the beastman as well and comes underground from another village, the beautiful gun-carrying Yoko. It turns out Simon's drill is a key to a tiny mecha known as a Gunmen. So! Yoko, Kamina, and Simon finally escaped to the surface from the beastman, Our heros and heroine will meet other characters along the way in their fight. Including the flamboyant mechanic, Lerron and the Beastman hunter Kittan and he's three sisters known as the Black Siblings.
The series is just perfect, watching it makes me think of what makes a good anime.
The character designs are good as well, and sometimes the way the characters look in certain lighting is just great. The battles are quiet good. Some people say Raxephon and other series make up for Evangelion, but honestly I think Gurren Lagan does, even though it wasn't created by Hideki Anno. And of course being a Gainax series the soundtrack and music are good. I really can't think of a bad thing to say about it, I think the battles could be long sometimes, but they were still good. Just when you think things are bad towards the end of epsiodes sometimes in the series. at the end of them it just gives you a sense of hope and happiness. The ending is not half done with no ending, the series ends quiet beautifully. with that being said if you want a good mecha series or just hated Evangelion or weren't even happy with it, go with Gurren Lagan instead.
There's also two movies for the series, Gurren-Hen and Lagann-Hen that just basically give a recap of the series, and sometimes skips things around alot with montages basically, I would watch the whole 27-episode full series instead, it 's completely worth it I promise! and now.. I give the series a 10/10.
Until Next Time!
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